Thursday, January 26, 2017

Virtues: Hope

photo by: shella salud
Photo by: Shella Salud

Why do you swim against the current?
                where you feel alone and different
                where things are tough and unkind
                where tears may fall but no one finds

Why do you still hold her hands so tight?
                when she have told you to let her die
                when she have pushed you so hard and far
                when she have given up and never want to fight

Why do you put up that smile on your face?
                while deep inside you’re so much in pain
                while thinking that everything’s not okay
                while believing that later it won’t be fake

Why do you live as if you really own forever?
                though you know you can’t stay any longer
                though life often tastes sour and bitter
                though happiness may turn to never

Why do you still care for this world?
                you see how it rots everyday
                you despise the justice they prevail
                you witnessed how humanity can fail

What is that thing that keeps you going?
                Is it the heart that doesn’t stop beating?
                The passion you always have deep within?
                Or the so called Hope you never stop holding?

Why do you keep on closing your eyes?
                bowing your head and bending your knees
                clasping your hands as He catches your tears
                crying your heart out as He hugs you so dear

Help me tell the world where to get that kind of Hope.
                Because I think everybody needs to know
                Because then maybe the world won’t be so cold
                Because finally they’ll see that with God there is Hope.

Virtues: Hope

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